‘korea’introduce your blog for me.
and we loves bel..
17 年 前
no @@; I can’t speak Korean…@@;;
(I speak Japenese better than English ^^;)
My English is not well, either…XD;;
Bel picture on my blog? oh, I see @@
It’s OK ^^ but please write it’s form my blog^^;
my draw is so poor , so if you like it that make me very pleasure ^^
希望我玩你?=x=+ (大誤)
HI~~ I’am Korea people~ you blog is vary nice!!
Thank your praises ^^
Welcome to my blog^^
This is my blog~ come here!~ Bel love!!!
@@!! It’s great! So Cute blog!! ^O^
1859 is unusual couple in Taiwan…(maybe…:p)
Bel is so cute~ :D
you talk to Korean???
and… Ilove Bel so please Bel picture on your Blog??
PS:I’am public school so I can’t speak English well..
helle♡ I’m korea people, too.
‘korea’introduce your blog for me.
and we loves bel..
no @@; I can’t speak Korean…@@;;
(I speak Japenese better than English ^^;)
My English is not well, either…XD;;
Bel picture on my blog? oh, I see @@
It’s OK ^^ but please write it’s form my blog^^;
my draw is so poor , so if you like it that make me very pleasure ^^
ベルフェゴル is my friend HaHaHa!~~~~ ㅇㅂㅇ;;;;